If there is one thing that can be considered the lifeblood to your website, it’s to drive traffic to your website. The question you need to ask yourself is how do you drive it there? We’ll be looking at a few ways where you can be able to do that. To note, there are two types of traffic: paid and free. We’ll be taking a look at some of the most popular resources from both types.
We highly suggest that you should consider at least testing out one each to start. One paid traffic and one free traffic source. This way, it will give you a good idea of what will work and what may not be working.
Also, don’t be afraid to make any adjustments to the things that are not working. It’s good to tweak something a bit. But if nothing changes after so many tweaks, you may want to consider another traffic source.
Now, let’s delve into a few ways where you can drive traffic to your website:
1. Answer questions on Quora
If you’ve never been on Quora before, you’re missing out on a ton of free traffic opportunities. Quora is a place where people can ask questions about a certain topic and people will answer those questions.
You can even answer questions that are often asked by your target audience. Your answers should be detailed, valuable, and to the point. Also, you can be subtle when it comes to directing them to your website. Be consistent with answering questions and you’ll have a better chance of getting more traffic as time goes on.
2. Google Adwords
Let’s take a look at one of the more popular paid traffic sources. Google Adwords is perfect if you are looking for a reliable traffic resource that uses select keywords.
Let’s not confuse this with SEO (which we will cover in a moment). The way it works is that you create an ad using a keyword that you’ll find from the Google keyword planner. From there, you can write out a short ad that will appear on the search results. The less competitive the keyword, the better off you’ll be.
3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search engine optimization (or SEO) includes some elements that will help rank your website higher on Google. Not only will it be a keyword that you are targeting, but your SEO will improve due to some other factors.
One such factor is backlinks. Someone can take a link that they’ll use to cite in their article. A reader can click on it and it will send them further down the rabbit hole. The more backlinks you get, the better you’ll rank. And the higher you rank, the more traffic you get. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

4. Facebook Ads
One other paid traffic source that a lot of business owners use is Facebook. This is one of the best paid sources for eCommerce shop owners. If you want to drive traffic to your store, you can set up an ad that will feature some of your best selling products. A prime example is setting up a carousel ad that features a few products that are available on your site.
What makes Facebook ads fun is that you can whittle it all down to who can see it. It can be set based on location, demographics, what pages they like, and so on. It might be the only ad platform that can allow you to drive the traffic you want to your site.

5. Write An Ebook
One great way to drive traffic is to write an ebook. Amazon is visited by millions of people per day. Plus, there are a lot of people who will buy Kindle books in order to help them find a solution to a problem that they are facing. After you write an ebook on a certain topic, you can start out by offering it for free before selling it at a low price point (i.e. $0.99).
You can also take the time to promote the ebook using one of the other traffic sources that we’ve listed. Paid or free, it’s entirely up to you. Your ebook should be simple, to the point, and valuable. Be sure to also direct your readers to your site if they are looking for additional resources and information.

Drive Traffic to your Website
Without traffic, how can your website survive? It’s important to know how to drive traffic to your website without having to do too much work. Whether it’s a paid source, a free source, or both you’ll need to find a way to get a steady, consistent flow of traffic if you want to make money online.